czwartek, 18 maja 2017

Thrifted: Problem in your head.

top: thrifted (new yorker + DIY), trousers: thrifted (Rita Tricot), shoes: h&m, bag: no name

Hi my lovely readers! Today, again I will open up and speak aloud about things I've thought about recently. To be honest, I've been feeling tired lately, but what's the worst - in mentally way, it's something like overwhelming stress, which you can't get rid of in total, it's still in my mind. It is said that we should avoid alcohol/cigarettes/junk food/etc, but on the other hand no one cares that our mind and thoughts can be just as much dangerous as the above drugs, which btw are generally believed that they are imminent. In my opinion we should cover similar subjects as often as it is possible and do not afraid to speak openly about our feelings, because actually emotions give us uniqueness and thank to them each of us is special. Hope you're having lovely evening my lovely readers!

Witajcie moi drodzy! W dzisiejszym poście ponownie się przed Wami otworzę i opowiem Wam o moich ostatnich przemyśleniach. Szczerze powiedziawszy już od jakiegoś czasu czuję się zmęczona - i nie mówię o zmęczeniu fizycznym, tylko psychicznym. Czuję coś w rodzaju przytłaczającego mnie stresu, którego nie mogę się pozbyć, ponieważ wciąż we mnie tkwi. Mówi się, że powinniśmy unikać alkoholu /papierosów/ niezdrowego jedzenia/ itp, aczkolwiek z drugiej strony nikt nie zwrócił uwagi na to, że nasz umysł oraz myśli mogą być tak samo niebezpieczne jak powyższe używki,które swoją drogą powszechnie uznaje się za groźne. Uważam, że powinniśmy poruszać podobne tematy jak najczęściej i nie bać się mówić otwarcie o swoich uczuciach, ponieważ to właśnie emocje dodają nam tej niezwykłości, dzięki której każdy z nas jest wyjątkowy. Życzę wszystkim udanego wieczoru, moi drodzy!

24 komentarze:

  1. Im loving your red satchel handbag! So pretty!


    Novelstyle Blog

  2. you look sweet, as usual) I think, sunny photos are magical!

  3. Fajne miejsce do zdjęć :D

  4. Come on, honey! I hope your weekend will be better :)

    You look so pretty! It's a lovely outfit perfect for day to day! The t-shirt is wonderful, you're an artist with the DIYs! I love them! :)

    xoxo beautiful ❤
    Melania |

  5. So sweet!

  6. I do agree if we have to avoid alcohol, cigarettes atc and speak openly about our feeling, especially to our family. Nice writing, Ivonne!
    Have a great day!

  7. Beautiful pictures, I really like your bag!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  8. Such a lovely top my dear. You look so cute.

  9. Hey dear, I'm sorry that you feel that way but for what it's worth, I also had a similar fase recently! I'm really focused on avoiding whatever doesn't serve me (as long it's not something I must do) and to really make time for myself each day no matter what. Also trying to change everything that triggers negative thoughts is a must as long it's something that we can control. Hope you'll feel better soon. I'm glad you spoke about it and if there's anything I can help you with, let me know.
    I really like the beautiful light on your photos. It reminds me of summer :) You look so sweet and stylish as always :)
    Take care and have a lovely weekend! <3

  10. Sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit low, Ivonne. I truly believe that as you put it junk_food thoughts are more dangerous than anything else. Being depressed, feeling mentally not really up to it, makes you ill, not only mentally but also physically. I do hope with all my heart, that you are feeling better very soon, that you can clear your mind of all the negativity. Keep you in my thoughts, girl. God bless.
    latest look: Buttercup and Cropped Jean

  11. Such amazing post dear! Love the bag!

  12. I hope you feel better dear. I know you will! <3 You look beautiful. Love the light in your photos.
    The Fancy Cats | Japan Candy Box Giveaway

  13. You're right we should open up more and express what's going through our minds with people that we trust. It's always a freeing experience.
    I like your thrifted top and this pretty all around look.
    Have a happy day!

  14. Absolutely agree with the title of your post!
    Love your outfit Ivonne. Such comfy and stylish. The bag is so nice. I'd love to have the same))

  15. I am feeling sorry about what you're feeling right now but just believe that every problem has its end and just keep being yourself :) Anyway, love the vibe of your photos and you look beautiful :)



  16. Widzę plagę listków konwali to pewnie kwiat też był albo jest, uwielbiam je :) bardzo ładna bluzeczka, lubię takie tłoczenia

  17. Thanks for the interesting post) Have a great week!

  18. your mental health is really really important ♥ please be safe and happy

  19. I totally agree with you. Stress is a lot more dangerous than those bad habits we often worry about. Eating healthy food and exercise- that's all good, but these are not the most important thing in the world.

    I think that in today's world, we'll all living under a lot of pressure and stress. They say that being exposed to constant stress is what is making us all feel tired...Our brains are overloaded. What is the solution? I'm not sure myself.

    Sometimes when I'm feeling down it helps me to change up my routine a bit....but avoiding stress is easier said than done.

    Lovely outfit dear...I really like that red bag.
