trousers: from literally second hand (from my sister) / z dosłownie drugiej ręki (od mojej siostry)/ coat and shoes; zara, bag: atmosphere
Hello my lovely readers! Today I want to share with you quickly with my current thoughts about being more grateful for the things, which we have. I was watching tv and I saw 14-years girl, who has cancer, moreover her leg was amputated. Then I realized that I've just came back from jogging (it was my very first and hopefully not the last time this year) and I began to think about the life. Let's face it - we, people, tend to have more and more, we are getting jelous too fast, we gaze with envy at the others, who has better salary, bigger house or prettier face, overall - who in our opinion has carefree and better life. My solution is really simply - let's slow down for a while and let's look at the world around us - maybe "our wrong life" isn't as much bad as we think? Maybe the fact that actually we can run is someone's dream, which will never happen? Have a lovely evening, my dear readers!
Witajcie moi drodzy! W dzisiejszym poście pragnę podzielić się z Wami moimi ostatnimi myślami na temat doceniania tego, co się ma. Oglądałam telewizję i zobaczyłam w niej reklamę z 14-letnią dziewczyną, która jest chora na raka, poza tym jej noga została amputowana. Później zdałam sobie sprawę, że właśnie wróciłam z biegania (to mój pierwszy i mam nadzieję nie ostatni raz w tym roku) i zaczęłam rozmyślać o życiu. Spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy - my, ludzie, pragniemy mieć coraz więcej, zbyt szybko stajemy się zawistni i zazdrościmy innym lepszej wypłaty, większego domu czy też ładniejszej twarzy - w sumie zazdrościmy lepszego oraz beztroskiego życia. Moje rozwiązanie na ten problem jest naprawdę proste - zwolnijmy na chwilę i spójrzmy na świat wokół nas - może nasze "gorsze życie" nie jest tak złe, jak myślimy? Może fakt, że możemy biegać jest czyimś marzeniem, które nigdy się nie spełni? Życzę wszystkim udanego wieczoru, moi drodzy!
I agree Ivonne, we really have to appreciate the things we have because there are people that are suffering and don't have much.
OdpowiedzUsuńI also, love running. It's my favorite way to get exercise.
Ślicznie :D
lovely post dear ♥ i'm really happy with my arms because i can paint ♥
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you for sharing your great thought, pretty Ivonne. I totally agree with you. There are a lot of little things that should make us being grateful, but sometimes we don't realize that.
OdpowiedzUsuńBtw, love your trousers:)
Śliczny płaszczyk:) jak u Ciebie pięknie i wiosennie:*
OdpowiedzUsuńWhat an interesting post, it's good sometimes to look at things differently. I really like your styling too!
OdpowiedzUsuńHave a lovely day :)
Rosanna x
Rose's Rooftop
Przepięknie wyglądasz :D
OdpowiedzUsuńOh, dear! This post has really touched me. I wish many, many people could read it. You're so right! We take things for granted and rarely think about the fact that we have legs, eyes etc. We can do and achieve so many things. Even the fact that we breath is a miracle itself. I'm always trying to be more positive and working on my inner world and really, the true happiness begins in gratefulness.
OdpowiedzUsuńI'm happy to hear that you've started jogging and I hope you continue doing it. Any activity is so good for body and soul :)
I like your trousers and how you mixed them with leopard print. It's nice to see you with sunshine :)
Hope you're having a lovely day! <3
Wonderful! :)
LOvely boots and pants, dear Ivonne, so beautiful you are! I know, I always tell people the same. I a shortsighted and sometimes I am annoyed because I have to wear glasses and contact lenses. But then I think "what about the people who can't see at all? At least I have glasses and contacts to help me!" It's true. People are never satisfied anymore. They want more and more and write "I envy you" - remember? In the case of having properties or travelling. But then, they have parents and I lost mine in one go, you know. I know your mother also died. So by telling me that, they mean that they prefer to inherit things and to be without parents. How low can human character be? I don't understand the world so well... I think people should be more sensitive and shouldnt be led by marketing, always pushing us to compete. You are awesome, dear Ivonne. Hope you have a beautiful day!
We take so many tings in our life as granted that we forget to look back, to appreciate the things we have. I am grateful for everything in my life, even for the bad things 'cause I learned from my mistakes more than from my success. We shouldn't take our health for granted instead we should be grateful. Beautiful and thoughtful post, Ivonne. Thx for sharing.
New update: Starting A New Business
Również widziałam tą reklamę. Dlatego uważam że nie powinniśmy się wściekać i klnąć na to czego nie mamy, a wręcz dziękować za to co zostało nam dane. Nawet jeśli jest to niewiele, powinniśmy to doceniać.
OdpowiedzUsuńCompletely agree with you Ivonne! We have 100s of things to be thankful about. Great post. Looking lovely as well.
Do check out my latest post:
I fell in love with this coat) so sweet and cool! I wonder, if pink will suit me...
OdpowiedzUsuńYes, indeed Ivonne, life is to be appreciated. Each day we all should have gratitude just for breath in our bodies. Beautiful post and you look lovely! xx /Madison
Masz rację, wszystko w tej chwili obraca się wokół pieniądza. Chore ambicje potrafią zatruć nie jednemu życie ale marzenia można mieć gdyż dzięki nim możemy optymistycznie patrzeć na ten szary świat . Ślicznie wyglądasz w takiej kolorystyce Iwonko, bardzo podobają mi się Twoje buciki :-)
OdpowiedzUsuńSo true Ivonne! We complain too much and we don´t enjoy the life! Always adorable! xx
OdpowiedzUsuńCoco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin
This is true. We should be grateful and always be contented with what we have. All people has struggles in their life and that's what makes us different. We just have to take each day and enjoy every moment. :)
That's so true Ivonne, I agree with what you've written, we should be thankful every day for little things. <3
OdpowiedzUsuńI totally agree with your thoughts Ivonne!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńSo true! We've got almost everything and spend all the time to envy who has more the ours! That's so stupid! And definitely lead to an unhappy life!
Tobe true I've often try to evitate see those kind of movies because thay scary me about how fragile are us as humans beings, but I do running every morning in a beautiful park and that's enough for me to make me think about how much richness we've got around without even notice it!
To run in the middle of blooming fields with a clear blue sky and a warm sun is the best feeling ever! You can't evitate to be grateful! And the most people can't enjoy it (what's worst for it's own will),and that's pretty sad...
Anyway you look very lovely hun!those light colors really suit you and the color of you beautiful hair!
Good luck on you jogging program! ;D
nice look dear!
Recently I was talking with an Italian friend of mine on Skype about books and I told him not to worry about not finishing books or not reading them at the moment, there is always time and etc...and then he told me how his brother lost sights about 7 years ago. That really saddened me...that someone can't read. Can you imagine? That whole situation made me think. We shouldn't postpone what we want to do, we shouldn't leave happiness for some future date...we should learn to be happy right now and make most of our life.
OdpowiedzUsuńHi... you have good fashion i love your jogging fashion
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